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Are you open to the possibilities?


Mystic-Balance delivers an experience

with passion…that lasts a lifetime!

Our first-hand knowledge and utilization of these tools give us a unique ability to share the journey with our clients. You will not walk alone through your transformation. You will be working with someone who has walked this path, has experienced transformation, and lives in this work.

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Clinical EFT
Sound Healing
Shamanic Healing
Meditation and Breath Work
Essential Oils
Emotional Alchemy Package

EFT Statistics

In one of many studies performed with US Veterans (Veterans Stress Project –, two groups were formed. One was led by a life coach who worked extensively with veterans, and the other was a licensed psychotherapist and professor at Marshall University Medical School in West Virginia. “Besides PTSD, we measured a variety of symptoms in these vets before and after their six sessions, including depression, anxiety, hostility, phobias, and psychoticism. We also took follow-up measurements three months later, to see if the effects we’d seen in the initial sessions would hold over time.


The results were amazing. Anxiety dropped by 46% and depression by 49%. PTSD dropped by 50%. The severity of all the vet's psychological symptoms collectively dropped by 40%. When we checked them again three months later, the vets had maintained their gains.

Why EFT (Tapping) works so well

By utilizing the acupuncture meridians (time-tested ancient Eastern methods) the hormone Cortisol is effectively lowered. Cortisol is a stress hormone our bodies produce when our sympathetic nervous system is activated. We go into Fight, Flight, or Freeze mode. This is especially exhaustive when we are NOT under attack. By intentionally bringing up the trauma and methodically tapping we reprogram how our nervous system reacts to our thoughts, fears, and beliefs. The surface issues fall away and we are capable of accessing the root causes and releasing them as well – thus finding Emotional Freedom.

Sound Healing, Sound Bath, Gong Bath, Frequency Healing


Our unique sound baths are customized meditative therapy involving specialized, tranquil instruments. The vibrations and frequencies activate the parasympathetic nervous system and put you into a relaxed, dream-like state. From this place, your body's energies are realigned, softened, and rejuvenated.

This helps numerous physical, emotional, and mental health conditions.
If you’ve ever tried this, then you KNOW!! For those who have never experienced the pure bliss of sound therapy, well. . . what are you waiting for?

We offer private and group experiences. Please contact us for more information and booking.

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Clinical EFT, EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Tapping, Anxiety, Transformation


(Emotional Freedom Techniques)
A.K.A - Tapping

EFT uses acupressure meridians to signal your brain that you are safe and there’s no need to panic. Combine this with cognitive and exposure therapy and we can essentially reprogram your body and mind’s response to negative stimuli and trauma. Once deep-rooted blocks are open and cleared, this tool can be used without a clinician, for life. You don’t need to believe in anything for this to work.
Mystic-Balance creates a safe and confidential environment to work on anything from:

  • Performance Enhancement

  • Cravings

  • Abuse

  • PTSD

  • Phobias

  • Shame

  • Remorse

  • Loss

We utilize evidence-based methods and a wide range of techniques to deal with even the most sensitive topics, often neutralizing the worst trauma without even having to talk about it. This work does require consistency, dedication, and the willingness to be vulnerable. Vulnerability is not weakness, it represents true strength, trust, and courage.

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Shamanic Healing, Shamanic Journey, Spiritual Healing


Shamanic healing work is ceremonial, where the healer works directly within the realm of spirit from a trance state. There is no physical touch involved, however there are often physical results. This is NOT talk therapy, there are often little to no words exchanged before, during, or after.
Clients typically will need a period of integration after a healing session of this type. This integration happens over a period of days, weeks, or months. While the work done in the energetic realm converges with your day-to-day life it allows you to re-align with a new perspective.

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Meditation, Breathwork, Peaceful, Anxious, Surrender


Meditation is how we become familiar with our inner selves. A practice that teaches us how to find the Calm within the Storm, the Light in the Dark, and the Beauty in the Shadows. All of our services utilize methods of light meditation. For those who haven’t been successful with regular meditation, we help get you started and hold you accountable. As you progress, you will advance based on your experience and temperament. When ready, breathwork is introduced to elevate your frequency to new levels. Our goal is to set you up with a solid foundation for an ever-expanding experience.

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Essential Oils, Doterra, Meditation, Breathe


Combining essential oils with meditation, sound healing, and tapping has been proven to maximize and accelerate healing in miraculous ways. When used in an educated way, essential oils can provide relief from stress, and anxiety, and even release the cellular memory of physical and emotional pain for good.

The practitioner assists with recommending appropriate oils based on the client’s goals or challenges. Then the client is guided into a meditative state so they can tune in to communications initiated by the oil through the limbic brain and body signals.

Only the purest oils are used for this process, extracted by natural methods that preserve the purity and potency of each oil (guaranteed by third-party testing). This ensures there are no chemicals used in extraction from the plants. These specific oils give us the capability of applying them aromatically, topically, and internally (as directed) to benefit every system of the body.

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Alchemist, Emotional Alchemy, Transformation


For the individual or group that wants to HAVE IT ALL! This package provides the benefit of all our healing modalities offered in an 8-week experience.

We begin in person with Shamanic work, Meditation, and Sound healing. We will also work with oils and uncover the starting point of your path to transformation. This work can be done in the comfort of your own home, or if you’d rather come to us, we can facilitate. This is typically done over a weekend and you will spend two days with your guide. After your initial session, there will be a week of integration, where you go about your everyday life, allowing any spiritual shifts to settle. We then meet weekly over Zoom for the next 7 weeks, working on tapping (EFT), meditation, and oils.

At the end of the program, our in-house lapidary artists will custom create a stone/mineral/gem that represents your transformation journey – assisting you to move forward with the energy and mindfulness to succeed beyond what you can’t currently imagine.

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